Today is Stress Awareness Day. Now I know what you may be thinking… I have stress many days and I’m always aware. That’s true but sometimes we need a day to focus on it. Like I just mentioned on another forum yesterday, “awareness brings about change.”
Now first things first, the timing of National Stress Awareness Day (April 16) is no coincidence. It was initially designed to follow Tax Day in the U.S. Of course, April 15, 2020 was not the tax filing deadline as it has shifted, much like all of our lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But nonetheless, given that we are all likely facing elevated levels, let’s talk about shifting our mindset.
Understanding how stress exists for you
There is much online about why recognizing our stress is important and the many negative impacts stress can have to our body. However, knowing HOW stress manifests is perhaps even more critical. When I am stressed, it manifests as 1) binge eating on junk food (sweets), 2) negative self-talk, and 3) physical pain and tension in my body. Repeat cycle. While I have not mastered stress elimination, I have been able to significantly reduce it. Here’s how:
Intention matters…even when dealing with stress
Have your heard the saying “energy goes where intention flows?” Our thoughts and beings start with intention. How many times do we as a collective launch into our day with the worries of the day past or the day ahead? How many of us check our email or social media right when we wake up? While there may be valid reasons for all of these things, sometimes these can shift our focus or worse, have us going through the day without a clear intention. So, I flip the script by simply thinking about what I need for the day to feel whole, happy, and grounded. I am still human, so sometimes I need to revisit these many times in the day but intention really does matter! An inspirational quote or two a day also helps!
Gratitude for your attitude
We all have heard the need to be grateful. Some days are easier than others, particularly in a pandemic. However, what I find is that my attitude directly correlates to my level of gratitude. For me, workplace stress used to be a huge part of my life. These days it’s economic and public health concerns for the future. However, when I take moments to think about areas that I can express gratitude, it helps to center me.
For example, I am grateful for community members like my dad and friends who are working in front-line industries during the pandemic. I am grateful for the ability to pursue creative pursuits. I am grateful for health, family, and friends. Gratitude obviously looks different for everyone but just thinking of at least one thing you experience that you have gratitude for can not only positively boost your mood, it can direct a series of changes that help to reduce stress overall.
Focus on what is possible
Similar to gratitude, societal norms make it easy to focus on what is not possible. Take quarantine for example, it’s easy to lament lack of freedom of movement. But is that really true? No, we can’t go to public parks or to a coffee shop or to the beach. But we still have the possibility to take a walk, complete an indoor workout, and many other things. Believe me, I am not exempt from feeling restless about being in quarantine However, when I think about what I am able to do, it makes a difference. The home decor projects I’ve put off for years, I’ve got time. The creative pursuits that intimidated me, tackle it.
Affirmations to celebration
Listen, we all have triggers and stressors that are real. This post is not meant to minimize anyone’s struggle or journey. What I put forth is that there are the majority of things about our lives that we can’t control, however, we can think about what influence we do have over our response. Will these four steps be the cure? Of course, not. What they can do is help bring about an awareness and insight to help manage your daily stress response. Before we go, I want to share a video of an exercise I first debuted last year at my workplace. This exercise is all about increasing awareness through a quick moment of quiet time.
How do you combat your daily stress? Please share your tips below and if this post has resonated with you, please like, comment, and share.
In wellness & community,